About me

Hi, I am currently a junior in Software Engineering at Tongji University. Before that, I studied Architecture and Urban Planning for one year.

I am broadly interested in machine learning, LLM, and human-computer interaction.


I enjoy watching movies, meeting new friends, and playing badminton.

Technical Skills

  • Program Tools: Python, C++, MATLAB
  • Machine Learning: PyTorch
  • Design and Modeling: Adobe PS/AI/ID/PR/AE, Unity3D, AutoCAD, Rhino, SketchUp
  • Web3 and Blockchain: Solidity, Remix

  • Experience

  • Tongji-MIT City Science Lab@Shanghai Jan. 2023 - Present
  • Visiting Student@the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, supervised by Professor Ma. July. 2023 - Aug. 2023
  • NAMI Lab@Tongji University Oct. 2022 - Mar. 2023

  • Awards

  • Second Prize of Asia Pacific Cup Mathematical Modeling --Feb 2023
  • National Inspirational Scholarship --Sept 2021 -- Jan 2022
  • Third Prize of Shanghai National University Student Mathematical Modeling --Jan 2022
  • Second Prize in The Mathematics Modeling Competition of Tongji University --May 2021
  • “Internet + " University Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Tongji School Bronze Award --Sept 2022
  • National Inspirational Scholarship --Sept 2020 -- Jan 2021